Obtaining the Helicopter Commercial Pilot License in our USA Academy.

The biggest advantages about getting instructed in Hillsboro Heli Academy, reach your goal and be able to work as a Helicopter Pilot are:

The experience that is acquired performing a pilot course in english language is essential for flying in international environments, because english is the priority language in aviation.

The fact about flying in a an air space that includes three airports, one of them international, will make you feel comfortable in intense traffic areas.

You will obtain the Commercial Helicopter EASA License (European) and the FAA one (North American)

HAA also support s contracting female instructors, and that is why the female prospective trainees feel naturally integrated and comfortable in the Academy.

Because of its oreography plenty rich in mountains and forest, Oregon is the ideal state for practicing confined areas and pinnacles. You will land in the beach, simulating rescue operations and you will land also on hospital helipads, for gaining HEMS experience.

You will be authorized to work as a Flight Instructor for 23 months, once you finish your course, thanks to the F-1 VISA.

An important number of prospective trainees, once finishing their course, have logged up to 2000 flight hours, working as instructors. Going back to their respective countries or to the place they want to work, with this experience, will position the Helicopter Pilot, in a much better position to find a job, than the pilots that finish their training with approximately 150 flight hours.


If you want more information, do not hesitate to contact us through: E-mail: info@academiapilotoeeuu.comPhone/Whatsapp: +34 667 648 234 or if you prefer by filling the following form:



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